Functional robustness of reef fish networks to simulated coral extinction: A novel analytical approach
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, England 2024Coping with collapse: How functional diversity, evolutionary history, and their loss shape ecological network robustness
University of Lille, Lille, France 2024Cambios Climáticos: Re-enmarañando el enmarañado Darwiniano
Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Tunja, Colombia. 2023Understanding the responses of ecological networks to global changes through the lenses of evolutionary history
Science CHANGing Policy Conference, Evora, Portugal. 2023Compreendendo as respostas das redes ecológicas às mudanças globais através das lentes da história evolutiva
Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development - University of Evora, Evora, Portugal. 2023Understanding the responses of mutualistic networks to climate change through the lens of evolutionary history
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Torgarden, Norway. 2022Ecological Networks
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University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. 2018Untangling the Tangled Bank: Phylogenetic- and Trait-based approaches in Network ecology
University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. 2018Untangling the Tangled Bank: Phylogenetic- and Trait-based approaches in Network ecology
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