- Mestre, F., D’Amico, M., Bastazini, V. A. G., Assis, J., Jacinto, D., Marçalo, A. & Ascensão, F. Mapping Global Shipless Areas and Conflict Zones between Shipping and Marine Biodiversity. Preprint at SSRN.
In press
Mestre, F., Quiles, P., Bastazini, V. A. G., Ascensão, F. Road effects on biotic interactions. In D’Amico, M., Barrientos, R., & Ascensão, F. (Eds.), Road Ecology: Synthesis and Perspectives. Springer.
González-del-Pliego, P., Bastazini, V. A. G., Diversity and extinction risk of Colombian Andean amphibians across life regions. In Navas, C., Piantoni, C., Catenazzi, A., Urbina-Cardona, N. (Eds.), Andean herpetofauna - explorations of diversity, ecology, and conservation. Springer.
2025 Mestre, F., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Ascensão, F. Effects of road density on regional food webs. Conservation Biology, e70007.
2025 Bastazini, V. A. G., Hofmann, G.S. Southern Brazil’s 2024 floods: Causes, impacts, and how wetlands can help mitigate extreme climate disasters. SILNews 85, 6-7.
2025 Franz, I., Chiarini, E., Bastazini, V. A. G. , Boldrini, I. I., Fonatna, C. Nest site selection by a grassland-dependent Neotropical passerine, the Tawny-bellied Seedeater Sporophila hypoxantha. Ornithology Research 33(12), 1-9.
2024 González-del-Pliego, P., Galiana, N., González-Trujillo, J. D., Mestre, F., Araújo, M. B., Bastazini, V. A. G. Are threatened species important for glueing interaction networks together? Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22(4), 342-347.
2024 Luza, A.L., Bender, M.G., Ferreira, C.E.L., Floeter, S.R., Francini-Filho, R.B., Longo, G.O., Pinheiro, H.T., Quimbayo, J.P., Bastazini, V. A. G. Coping with Collapse: Functional Robustness of Coral-Reef Fish Network to Simulated Cascade Extinction. Global Change Biology, 30, e17513.
2024 Bergamin, R. S., Bastazini, V. A. G., Esquivel-Muelbert, A., Bordin, K., Klipel, J., Debastiani, V., Vibrans, A., Loyola, R., & Müller, S. Elevational shifts in tree community composition in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest related to climate change. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35(4), e13289.
2024 Gonçalves, M., Bastazini, V. A. G., Andretti, C., Lanés, L. E., & Volcan, M. Ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos do sul do Brasil. Editora USEB, 236p. ISBN: 978-85-89985-39-0
2024 Bastazini, V. A. G., Gonçalves, M., Lima, L. T., Andretti, C., Lanés, L. E., Volcan, M., & Milheira, R. G. Ecossistemas Aquáticos do sul do Brasil: Contexto ambiental, histórico e desafios para a conservação. In M. Gonçalves, V. A. G. Bastazini, C. Andretti, L. E. Lanés, & M. Volcan (Eds.), Ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos do sul do Brasil. Editora USEB, pp.25-35. ISBN: 978-85-89985-39-0
2024 Gonçalves, M. S., Pons, P., Bonow, F., Bastazini, V. A. G., Gil-Delgado, J., & Iborra, G. L. A fragmentação afeta a dinâmica das populações do arredio-do-gravatá. In M. Gonçalves, V. A. G. Bastazini, C. Andretti, L. E. Lanés, & M. Volcan (Eds.), Ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos do sul do Brasil. Editora USEB, pp.117-125. ISBN: 978-85-89985-39-0
2024 Bastazini, V. A. G., Gianuca, A. T., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Gonçalves, M. S. S., & Dias, R. A. Identificando o potencial de conservação de áreas úmidas usando ferramentas da teoria de redes complexas. In M. Gonçalves, V. A. G. Bastazini, C. Andretti, L. E. Lanés, & M. Volcan (Eds.), Ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos do sul do Brasil. Editora USEB, pp.127-137. ISBN: 978-85-89985-39-0
2023 Biz, L., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Carvalho, F., Pereira, M. J. R. Network and parasitological analyses reveal latitudinal gradient in bats-ectoparasitic flies interactions across the Neotropic. Ecology and Evolution, 13(9), e10527.
2022 Bastazini, V. A. G., Debastiani, V., Cappelatti, L., Guimarães, P., & Pillar, V. P. The role of evolutionary modes for trait-based cascades in mutualistic networks. Ecological Modelling, 470, 109983.
2022 Galiana, N., Lurgi, M., Bastazini, V. A. G., Bosch, J., Cagnolo, L., Cazelles, K., Claramunt-López, B., Emer, C., Fortin, M., Grass, I., Hernández-Castellano, C., Jauker, F., Leroux, S. J., McCann, K., McLeod, A. M., Montoya, D., Mulder, C., Osorio-Canadas, S., Reverté, S., Rodrigo, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Traveset, A., Valverde, S., Vázquez, D. P., Wood, S. A., Gravel, D., Roslin, T., Thuiller, W., & Montoya, J. M. Ecological network complexity scales with area. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6, 307–314.
2022 Bergamin, R. S., Ascensão, F., Capinha, C., Bastazini, V. A. G., Andrade, B. O., Boldrini, I. I., Lezama, F., Altesor, A., Perelman, S., & Overbeck, G. E. Native and alien grassland diversity respond differently to environmental and anthropogenic drivers across spatial scales. Journal of Vegetation Science, 33(3), e13133.
2022 Gonçalves, L. O., Kindel, A., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Teixeira, F. Z. Mainstreaming ecological connectivity in road environmental impact assessments: A long way to go. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 40(6), 475-480.
2021 Debastiani, V., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Pillar, V. P. (2021). Phylogenetic uncertainty and the inference of patterns in community ecology and comparative studies. Oecologia, 196, 633–647.
2021 Debastiani, V., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Pillar, V. P. Using phylogenetic information to impute missing functional trait values in ecological databases. Ecological Informatics, 63, 101315.
2021 Bastazini, V. A. G., Galiana, N., Hillebrandt, H., Estiartes, M., Ogayas, R., Peñuelas, J., Sommer, U., & Montoya, J. M. The impact of climate warming on species diversity across scales: Lessons from experimental meta-ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(7), 1545-1554.
2020 Dias, R. A., Bastazini, V. A. G., Kock, B., Bonow, F. C., Sanyvan, M. S., & Gianuca, A. T. Species richness and patterns of overdispersion, clustering and randomness shape phylogenetic and functional diversity-area relationships in habitat islands. Journal of Biogeography, 47(8), 1638-1648.
2020 Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Debastiani, V. J., Bastazini, V. A. G., Maruyama, P. K., & Sperry, J. H. Including rewiring in the estimation of the robustness of mutualistic networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), 106-116.
2020 Nagy-Reis, M. B., […], Bastazini, V. A. G., et al. NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a dataset of occurrence of carnivores in the Neotropics. Ecology, 101(11), e03128.
2020 Rosas, C., […], Bastazini, V. A. G., et al. NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a dataset of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics. Ecology, 101(11), e03115.
2019 Bastazini, V. A. G., Debastiani, V., Azambuja, B., Guimarães, P., & Pillar, V. (2019). Loss of generalist plant species and functional diversity decreases the robustness of a seed dispersal network. Environmental Conservation, 46(1), 52-58.
2019 Santos, P., […], Bastazini, V. A. G., et al. NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics. Ecology, 100(7), e02663.
2018 Casas, G., Bastazini, V. A. G., Debastiani, V. J., & Pillar, V. D. P. (2018). Assessing sampling sufficiency of network metrics using bootstrap. Ecological Complexity, 36, 268-275.
2018 Garcias, F. M., Stolz, J., Fernández, G. P., Kubiak, B. B., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Freitas, T. R. O. Environmental predictors of demography in the tuco-tuco of the dunes (Ctenomys flamarioni). Mastozoología Neotropical, 25(2), 293-304.
2017 Gonçalves, L. O., Alvares, D. J., Teixeira, F. Z., Schuck, G., Coelho, I. P., Esperandio, I. B., Anza, J., Beduschi, J., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Kindel, A. Reptile road-kills in Southern Brazil: Composition, hot moments and hotspots. Science of the Total Environment, 615, 1438-1445.
2017 Bastazini, V. A. G., Abreu, P. M., Azambujo, B., Casas, G., Debastiani, V., Guimarães Jr, P. R., & Pillar, V. P. Untangling the tangled bank: A novel method for partitioning the effects of phylogenies and traits on ecological networks. Evolutionary Biology, 44, 312–324.
2017 Dias, R. D., Gianuca, A., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Bencke, G. A., & Bastazini, V. A. G. (2017). Livestock disturbance in southern Brazilian grasslands influences avian species diversity via turnover. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26, 2473–2490.
2017 Bergamin, R. S., Bastazini, V. A. G., Vélez-Martin, E., Debastiani, V., Zanini, K. J., Loyola, R., & Müller, S. C. Linking beta diversity patterns to protected areas: Lessons from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biodiversity & Conservation, 26, 1557–1568.
2016 Hofmann, G. S., Coelho, I. P., Bastazini, V. A. G., Cordeiro, J. L. P., & Oliveira, L. F. B. Implications of climatic seasonality on activity patterns and resource use by sympatric peccaries in northern Pantanal. International Journal of Biometeorology, 60, 421-433.
2015 Lefcheck, J., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Griffin, J. N. (2015). Choosing and using traits in functional diversity research. Environmental Conservation, 42, 104-107.
2015 Carlucci, M. B., Bastazini, V. A. G., Hofmann, G. S., Macedo, J. H., Iob, G., Duarte, L. D. S., Hartz, S. M., & Müller, S. C. Taxonomic and functional diversity of woody plant communities on opposing slopes of inselbergs in southern Brazil. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 8, 187-197.
2014 Duarte, L. S., Both, C., Carlucci, M., Debastiani, V., Cappelatti, L., Seger, G., Salengue, E., Bastazini, V. A. G., Gonçalves, L. O., Brum, F. T., & Bernardo-Silva, J. Climate effects on amphibian distribution depend on phylogenetic scale and biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 213-222.
2014 Dias, R. A., Gianuca, A. T., & Bastazini, V. A. G. Bird-habitat associations in coastal rangelands of southern Brazil. Iheringia - Série Zoologia, 104, 200-208.
2013 Gianuca, A. T., Bastazini, V. A. G., Dias, R. A., & Hernández, M. Independent and shared effects of environmental features and space driving avian community beta-diversity across a coastal gradient in southern Brazil. Austral Ecology, 38, 864–873.
2013 Dias, R. A., Bastazini, V. A. G., Gonçalves, M. S. S., Bonow, F. C., & Müller, S. Shifts in composition of avian communities related to temperate-grassland afforestation in southeastern South America. Iheringia - Série Zoologia, 103, 12-19.
2013 Sousa, K. S., Bastazini, V. A. G., & Colares, E. P. Feeding ecology of Lontra longicaudis in the lower Arroio Grande, southernmost Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 85, 285-294.
2013 Hoffman, G. S., Bastazini, V. A. G., Coelho, I. P., & Oliveira, L. F. B. Fauna da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural SESC Pantanal: uma perspectiva através de armadilhas fotográficas. Editora SESC, 55p. ISBN: 978-85-89336-99-4
2012 Kasper, C. B., Bastazini, V. A. G., Soares, J. B. G., & Freitas, T. R. O. Abundance of Conepatus chinga (Carnivora: Mephitidae) and other medium-sized mammals in grasslands of southern Brazil. Iheringia - Série Zoologia, 102, 303-310.
2009 Dias, R. A., Gonçalves, M. S. S., & Bastazini, V. A. G. First breeding record of the bay-capped wren-spinetail (Spartonoica maluroides) in Brazil, with nest and nestling descriptions and nesting behavior notes. Iheringia - Série Zoologia, 99, 449-455.
2008 Kasper, C. B., Bastazini, V. A. G., Salvi, J., & Grillo, H. C. Z. Trophic ecology and the use of shelters and latrines by the Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) in the Taquari Valley, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Iheringia - Série Zoologia, 98, 1-6.