
Recent Students

Talita Menger
2023 -

I am a PhD student in Brazil aiming to understand the impact of linear infrastructures on wildlife connectivity, exploring quantitative approaches to improve road planning and mitigation measures. My interests involve environmental impact assessment, animal movement, and biodiversity conservation.

Talita Menger

Bibiana Terra Dasoler
2022 - 2023

I am a PhD candidate in Brazil aiming to explore different approaches to improve the planning and evaluation of mitigation measures in roads and railways. My interests involve applied ecology, landscape ecology, animal movement, and biodiversity conservation.

Bibiana Terra Dasoler

2019 -

I am a researcher focused on pheasant and squirrel ecology, exploring their behavior, especially their escape response time. I am also specialized in solving optimization problems, particularly those aimed at finding the best solutions for treat acquisition.


Former Students

  • Bruna de Castro Knopp
    2016 - 2018
    Thesis - Master’s Degree in Animal Biology, Federal University of Pelotas. (Co-advisor). Relationship Between Wetland Area and Taxonomic, Functional and Phylogenetic Diversity of Birds in Southern Brazil.

  • Timóteo Matthias Rico
    Monograph - Specialization in Conservation Biology, Catholic University of Pelotas. Data Mining Applied to Conservation Biology: A case study on the extinction risk of mammals from Rio Grande do Sul.

  • Diogo Maia Gräbin
    Monograph – Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Density and Spatial Distribution of Rhea americana in Different Physiognomies of the Pantanal of Nhecolândia.